CEZ Distribuce

Turning an old-school motivational program for students into a modern app

Our Expertise

Business Growth

Product Development

UX Research

Experience Design

We turned Prokop Divis, a motivational program for students by the energy provider giant CEZ, into a smartphone app.

The goal of the app was to help CEZ engage with high-school students in the electrotechnic fields measure their knowledge and reward the best ones.


CEZ already had an analogue, paper-based program using quizzes to motivate students and reward them with scholarships and internship positions. But they wished to modernise it, go digital. And who would do a better job of it than us?

Key Insight

Young people are spending most of their lives glued to their phones. So developing a modern, digital and more engaging version of Prokop Divis in the form of a mobile app was a very natural and obvious solution.


Our approach

We partnered with Mccann Prague who designed the identity of the program. We created the UI , UX and built the MVP for both the mobile app and admin panel. Then we ran a UX test with students and teachers, based on the learnings we tweaked the UX flow. Then published the app for testing.



The key question we needed to answer regarding developing the app was: how to retain young people’s attention and keep them engaged when it comes to school-related activities? Well… clearly with something they all love already – competition and games!

That’s why our designers have decided to make the new app competitive, throw in various gamification mechanics and small tricks to keep students entertained and make them return to the app regularly. We’ve built several interactive prototypes to test these mechanics and competitive elements and picked the ones that worked the best. When designing the UI of the app, we followed the client’s brand guidelines but also supercharged it to adapt to the needs and preferences of our young users.

After all these elements were thoroughly tested and approved we were able to develop a fully functional Prokop Divis mobile app that is tailored for use not only by the students but also by their professors. The teachers now can manage their students within the app, explore statistics and compare their school to other schools in the country. CEZ also has access to these statistics so they can reward the best students. This was a huge improvement because in previous years CEZ couldn’t obtain any of this data and get into direct contact with the students.

Key deliverables included:

  • Selection of gamification mechanics
  • UX and UI Design
  • Mobile app development
  • Admin panel development
  • Usability testing


The app was piloted in ten schools across the country. First 2 500 students have already registered and completed quizzes, aiming to get to the top 3. The feedback from students (and their professors) is predominantly positive, which gives us extra drive to prepare more exciting features for them and CEZ.